Scouts and Scopes at Agua Caliente - Oct. 1-3, 2021

Recap (public version)

Friday Night

Due to some car and other crashes (no injuries), Friday night had more telescopes than observers.  Sean and dad,  Marvin, had their choice of monster telescope.  Sky was clear and dark.

Saturday was hot. 

The summer heat empties out the campgrounds - of people, but not critters:

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In addtion to the magnificent Bighorn Sheep, roadrunners were coming right up to camp and quail were seeking leftover food.

Sean and Marvin started the Astro Badgery and were quickly joined by the arrival of Wyatt and his dad, Barry.

As the sun set behind the peak, more families arrived.  Soon: dinners and telescopes.

Bryce took some daytime shots and had a bunch of very good astrophotographs taken with his phone.

This diagonal band of grey is part of the Milky Way in the Constellation Aguila.  Those aren't rain droplets in a cloud, they're stars in a galactic arm!  The dark band in the middle is known as The Great Rift.   Lots of goodies in this area.  Photo by Bryce with his phone!

The Milky Way's Great Rift - by Bryce
The Milky Way's Great Rift - by Bryce

We can add more shots to this gallery. Send them in!


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