Here's a recommendation for adding value to and increasing use of the web.

Note that one overriding consideration is maintaining the appropriate privacy protections for all the Troop, Scouts and Parents.

This privacy need dictates that much of the content must be behind a password wall.  Providing accounts and safeguarding information is simple enough - technically.    

We have a handful of people capable of administering the "difficult" technical aspects of the web.  This is enough to bootstrap the troop.

What Who  
 Deciding Policies  Troop  
 Web Server Management  Small Team of Techies (Web Techies)  
 Facilitating Use of Web Webmaster(s)  
 Content Publishers  Owners of the Content  
 Content Ownership  Position Holders, Committee Members, et al.  
Content Viewing As wide and easy as appropriate; non-registered viewers privacy-limited  


The goal of the Web Techies and the Webmaster(s) should be to provide the web structure and the help so that content owners can publish (share appropriately) and maintain their information.  Note: the Webmaster shall Explain, Demonstrate, Guide and Enable: EDGE not OWN.

In short, the webmaster is to teach how to fish rather than do everyone's fishing.

How to Move Forward:

Identify what information can be Public and what must be behind the Login wall.  This is important to limit liability exposure.

  • can scout names be public?  This will affect rosters, online greensheets (Contact persons, etc.)), etc.

Agile implementation  (Google it).  We will be figuring out what works as we go along.  

  • The most important thing is to get people to create and use a web user account.
  • Find some simple things that work. Build from there.
  • Don't wait for a Grass Roots Revolution (my mistake).  Find some people willing to learn and teach them.

Identify that which can be Public (e.g., past service projects, Eagle Scout projects, etc).

  • Provide a web structure of for exposing that information (webmaster makes a menu item).
  • Identify the stakeholders, teach them how to add and edit an article (see the Web Help).  Let them publish!

Teach the Content Owners (Committee Chairs, Event Leaders, Patrol Leaders, et al.) how to publish and update an article.