This is to clarify what the Webmaster(s) is and is not responsible for (at least initially).

Note also, that I'm trying to get function and interactivity working first, aesthetics are comparatively easy to clean up later.


General Information and Operational Responsibilities

Owning Content - Lists, Procedures, Events

Publishing Content - Adding, Editing, Deleting a web page.  

Note: Ensuring a page's accuracy it the Content Owner's responsibility, not the webmaster

Facilitating the Publication of, Organization of, and Access to Content - Webmastering

Management of the Web Server and Systems - Web Owner 

Deciding Policies: Troop 

Webmaster's Initial Goals

Maximize the value of our website.

  • Host the content and information that should be availble easily here.
  • Make it Navigatable
  • Allow Parent and Scout Leads to post and own content as well as manage web areas, as appropriate
    • (in other words, the Webmaster role cannot and should not encompass troop operational roles.  He should be a communications and management facilitator.  Traditional responsibilities of the traditional roles should remain the same.)

Build and Refine an Interactive Communication and Coordination Site

Build and Refine a Permission Structure that allows Patrol and Committee leads to own and manage their content.

Troop-wide read access to (almost?) all Troop-appropriate content.

Write-access limited as appropriate to forestall chaos.

Not the Webmaster's Current Responsibility

Maintaining Documents or Document Permissions on the Google Drives or any source outside this web

  • Ultimately we may be able to transition management of the docs and docs processess to the web, but not soon.

Maintaining Email Lists

  • Eventually, probably.  But currently our email and our web account lists are separate.  Webmaster and Membership Chair should work to merge the technologies.

Membership Lists, Scout Ranks, Merit Badge Awards

  • This lists should be managed by the appropriate committees.  I believe the lists are currently in google drive somewhere.  One major goal of the website is for the Committee leads to be able to integrate their current lists and documents/instructions/announcements within this web itself.